God's Armorbearer (reading #8)

Must be a support to his leader.

Every pastor needs a group of faithful supporters,especially among his associates and staff. The word supporter means "that which supports or upholds; a sustainer;a comforter; a maintainer;a defender."

Contrary to popular belief,pastors are human just like anyone else. They hurt;they make mistakes;they get frustrated and bothered; many times they face discouragement and disappointment. As armorbearers, our job is to uphold,sustain,maintain, and defend are leader,being there for him to lean on in times of need.

I can just hear the voice of some staff member or associate crying out: "What about me ? What about my problems,hurts and wounds?" We have to many babies in the Body of Christ. It's time we laid down are lives for someone else ,putting are trust in God to take care of our hurts and frustrations.

There are many associates whose only desire and goal is to stand up in front of the pastor - until war breaks out; then suddenly jump behind him! God has called you and me to go out in front of our pastor for only one reason, and that is to raise our shield of faith and protect him from the harmful words of people and the fiery darts of the devil.

You will never make any real progress toward leadership until you have first mastered the art of supporting your spiritual leader.

Jesus is Lord+++

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